
Use this community portal to ask for help, ask questions or to make project announcements. Newest items are at the ends of lists.

Open Challenges[]

This is a new wiki, and like a baby, it needs a lot of TLC to grow. The following is a list of high-priority tasks that need to be done:

  • Enter in basic information about the City and its resources
  • Develop a current events news page


[2005-04-12] Wiki fundada info page

For the the status of efforts to grow this wikicity community, see the list of on-going community events and activities at Current events.

Asuntos Aktuales[]

Here are some tasks you can do:


To keep informed about changes here, you can

  • subscribe to the mailing list
  • mark individual as watched
  • use the Recent pages link or RSS

Preguntas i Respuestas de la Komunita[]

  • What is the main challenge facing this wiki?

Ver anke[]

  • Wikinode - links to relates wikis

Koneksiones Eksternas[]
